Here at apt, we are really proud to be an approved Memberwise Supplier and we have been for three years!
The Memberwise Network helps businesses like us who offer specific services to membership organisations access peer-driven help and support to enable us to better increase our value and growth to our clients.
Memberwise also host a nationwide membership best practice conference and this year, our Account Director, Victoria Petkovic-Short will be speaking at the conference alongside our client, the British Association of Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology, or BABTAC.
This year, the conference which is being held in April at the Park Plaza London Victoria Hotel, will include topics such as new member acquisition, existing member retention, optimising member engagement, enhancing member engagement and much more.
If you are looking for membership marketing help this year, we can provide tailored PR and marketing support. Call 01242 250692 to meet over coffee and discuss your requirements today.